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Month: June 2015

We plan our holidays around his lessons!

We plan our holidays around his lessons!

The warm smiles and excitement in sharing their class experiences with Choon Jin truly struck a chord on, perhaps, how art lessons should be conducted – friendly, stress-free environments with a knowledgeable and sharing teacher.

We love it here! We make it a point to plan our holidays, and even our lives, around Mr Lim’s classes.

Studio Miu provides this exact pleasant and open atmosphere for young and adult students to indulge and develop their interest and skills for the arts. The Chinese-Ink painting lessons are conducted with the concept of allowing flexibility in learning as students often cannot commit to the regular lessons.

The lessons conducted are such that we have students coming now and then. It is flexible and Mr Lim is willing to teach us whatever we wanted to learn.

Choon Jin centres his typical lesson based on a theme or topic for the students. Before each lesson begins in earnest, Choon Jin conducts a short lecture on the topic itself and explains the concepts and techniques required to achieve the expectations.

Students are encouraged to pose questions to further their understanding of his lecture and expectations. After which, Choon Jin will proceed to demonstrate the process of painting. At every step, he reiterates previously covered concepts and techniques as he paints each stroke or dabs each dot on the rice paper.

For students who have covered earlier topics, he would encourage them to practise those themes again by adding in what they have learnt earlier. This reinforcement of what was learnt earlier helps to develop the students’ abilities to visualise and conceptualise the integration of such elements. For example, when painting for a rock, he reminds the students to include previously learnt grass and insect elements to be included as a means to give better meaning within the composition.

Once the demonstration is finished, students will proceed to try their hand at painting it themselves – all under the watchful eyes of Choon Jin. When students complete their painting, a short discussion is made and constructive feedback is given in order to highlight areas of improvement.

Choon Jin encourages students to continue to practise at home, and reminds them to bring back their completed work for feedback on the next lesson.

I will really miss Mr Lim’s teaching when I go back to my country. I really wish there is a way for me to continue learning from Mr Lim.

E-learning perhaps?

Many thanks to Studio Miu and its students for their permission and participation for the class observation.

Studio Miu can be located at Centrepoint, Singapore (176 Orchard Road, #03-35). Enquiries can be made via telephone 6733 0917 or email